[xml] relative uri

Hi all,

I have some remarks about the implementation of xmlBuildRelativeURI in uri.c (libxml 2.7.3)

1-critical bug
line 2371
        if ((ref->path[pos] == '.') && (ref->path[pos+1] == '/'))
            pos += 2;
        if ((*bptr == '.') && (bptr[1] == '/'))
            bptr += 2;
        else if ((*bptr == '/') && (ref->path[pos] != '/'))
        while ((bptr[pos] == ref->path[pos]) && (bptr[pos] != 0))

        if (bptr[pos] == ref->path[pos]) {
            val = xmlStrdup(BAD_CAST "");
            goto done;          /* (I can't imagine why anyone would do this) */

the use of bptr[pos] is irrelevant. I suspect that the first four lines have been added quickly to solve some bad case. My opinion is that the four first lines are not very important (the same kind of problem may occur later in the path) and that xmlBuildRelativeURI should normalize the paths before processing in order to get human and efficient relative uris.

2- bad answer.
if the basepath is "/a/b" and the path is "/a/c:d", xmlBuildRelativeURI return "c:d" which is not a relative uri. The relative uri is "./c:d" This remark is perhaps not very useful for libxml2 since xmlBuildRelativeURI is called in very few places.

3- cosmetic problem
line 2392
else if ((ref->path[ix] == 0) && (ix > 1) && (ref->path[ix - 1] == '/'))
            ix -= 2;
basepath "/a/b" path "/a/c" gives "../a/c" where I expect "c"
basepath "/a/b" path "/a/" gives "../a/" where I expect "."

xmlBuildRelativeURI return things like xmlURIEscapeStr(uptr, BAD_CAST "/;&=+$,").
Must I understand that the path in a xmlURIPtr is not escaped?
I think that I missed something.


I am not familiar with the development of libxml, but I can suggest the following code to build a relative path.


assume that basepath and path are normalized
return 0 only if malloc fails
char* RelativePath(const char* basepath,const char* path){
    int pos = 0;
    int nbslash = 0;
    int len;
        const char *bptr, *uptr;char *vptr,*val=0;
        if(path==0 || *path==0)
                return RelativePath(basepath, "/");
    if (basepath == NULL || *basepath==0) {
                if (path != NULL) {
                        uptr = path;
                        if (*uptr == '/')
                        return  strdup(uptr);
                        return strdup("");
    bptr = basepath;
    if (path == NULL || *path==0) {
                for (pos = 0; bptr[pos] != 0; pos++) {
                        if (bptr[pos] == '/')
                val = (char *) malloc (1 + 3 * nbslash);
                if (val == NULL)
                        return val;
                vptr = val;
                for (; nbslash>0; nbslash--) {
                        *vptr++ = '.';
                        *vptr++ = '.';
                        *vptr++ = '/';
                return val;
     * Next we compare the two strings and find where they first differ
        while ((bptr[pos] == path[pos]) && (bptr[pos] != 0))

        if (bptr[pos] == path[pos])
            return strdup("");

        if ((path[pos] == '/') && (pos > 0))
        for (; pos > 0; pos--) {
                if (path[pos] == '/'){
        uptr = &path[pos];
         * In base, count the number of '/' from the differing point
        for (; bptr[pos] != 0; pos++) {
        if (bptr[pos] == '/')
        len = strlen(uptr) + 1;

    if (nbslash == 0) {
                if (uptr != NULL && *uptr!=0){
                        /* "a:b" is not a relative uri, use "./a:b" instead */
                                        if(!val)return 0;
                                        return val;
                        return strdup (uptr);
                /* base="/a/b" path="/a/" ->"." */
                        return strdup (".");

     * Allocate just enough space for the returned string -
     * length of the remainder of the URI, plus enough space
     * for the "../" groups, plus one for the terminator
    val = (char *) malloc (len + 3 * nbslash);
    if (val == NULL)
                return val;
    vptr = val;
    for (; nbslash>0; nbslash--) {
                *vptr++ = '.';
                *vptr++ = '.';
                *vptr++ = '/';
     * Finish up with the end of the URI
    if (uptr != NULL) memcpy (vptr, uptr, len);
        vptr[len - 1] = 0;
    return val;

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