[xml] Reducing size of static library ( configure options )

I am in the process of building libxml2 binaries . The functionality that I need are 

- Push Interface 
- reader Interface
 -writer INterface 
- output 
- Canonicalization 

providing these options , I still get a size of 1.7 mb for the static lib. 

Here are my confiuguration options 

./configure --prefix=${SRCROOT}/../build/debug --enable-static --disable-shared  --with-minimum --disable-ipv6 --without-catalog --without-debug --without-docbook --without-fexceptions --without-ftp --without-history --without-html --without-html-dir --without-html-subdir --without-http --without-iconv --without-iso8859x --without-legacy --without-mem-debug --without-pattern --without-push --without-python --without-readline --without-regexps --without-run-debug --without-sax1 --without-schemas --without-schematron --without-threads --without-thread-alloc --without-valid --without-xinclude --without-xpath --without-xptr --without-modles --without-zlib --without-coverage --with-xpath --with-push

I would want to significantly reduce this size from 1.7mb alteast to a number (<1mb). 

are there any additional  options that I might not have set to achieve this ? 

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