Re: [xml] When will you support xml version 1.1?

On Wed, Jun 06, 2007 at 11:35:09AM +0200, Oliver Meyer wrote:
Hi everybody,

in xml 1.1 you are allowed to have e.g.  as an attribute value. My 
xmllint does not support that version.
Are you planning to support xml 1.1?

Kind Regards,


   <?xml version = "1.1" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
   <foo a= '&#7;'/>

And what is the meaning of that &#7; ?

My point on the subject is the following:
  - 1.1 allows to dump invalid content unchecked from database without
    worrying about semantic. Does this help interoperability ? No,
    clean up your databases
  - Also note that 1.1 rejects documents which are well-formed from
    an 1.0 perspective, see production RestrictedChar, the code point
    [#xE-#x1F] | [#x7F-#x84] | [#x86-#x9F] which used to be allowed as-is
    will now raise a well-formedness error.

I am part of the Working Group which created XML-1.1, there were good intents
for it like cleanup w.r.t. Unicode, but some big vendors also pushed for
allowing characters which were IMHO rightfully blocked in 1.0 . And it's
unfortunately not backward compatible. 
While I would be sensible to request driven by the good intents, yours
is from my perspective due to the fact that you have not well defined data
and you would like to make this 'portable'. Please clean your data 
instead of sending the problem to the next person in the food chain.

  I don't see how '&#7;' could make any sense if I received it in a
text document (yes XML is fundamentally text), maybe I need to be enlightened !
But this was debated to death in the Working Group before, my opinion is
well set, and I prefer to protect my users base from the real use of 1.1
(and thanks to the Web gods, the request to allow code point 0 was blocked !)

  In a nutshell, no, clean up your data, or use something else, if
you really want to send raw data, why not use binary directly ? That's
just fine, but don't pretend it's a text format.


Red Hat Virtualization group
Daniel Veillard      | virtualization library
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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