AW: [xml] Default Values for Attributes


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Auftrag von David Grohmann

Using the Tree API is there a way to get at the default value 
listed in 
the XML Schema for an optional attribute that was not included in the 
xml document?
Reading through the libxml2 website it seems this can be done 
with the 
xmlreader API (and even then maybe only for DTDs, it is unclear)

example: schema
<xs:element name = "root_element">
    <xs:attribute  name = "prop1" use="optional" default="5">
Xml document

xmlNode* node = magic_code_to_get_that_root_node();

xmlChar *myAttribute = xmlGetProp(node, "prop1") <= this wont 
work, is 
it possible some other way?
This is currently only possible during a validation episode:
In xmlschemas.c there's xmlSchemaSetValidOptions() to be used
with a validation context. Setting the option
XML_SCHEMA_VAL_VC_I_CREATE will create such default attribute-nodes
in the tree, while the validation is performed.



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