Re: [xml] _private is now free again !

On 2/26/04 5:50 PM, Daniel Veillard wrote:

 This message is mostly intended to people doing bindings or
glueing the libraries into a more complex framework. There was
part of the libxml2 and libxslt libraries which were using
the _private field of nodes for the purpose of validation or transformations. I fixed this, now the library won't touch it
anymore. It may still change the node by using the "psvi" field
instead but at least this should not break bindings like Perl
  The changes are in CVS, so if you had troubles fighting with
the libraries over _private , I suggest you checkout from CVS and see if things are fixed.

Cool. Thanks a lot for doing this. It will save us some unneeded document copies in PHP's XML Extensions then ;)



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