Re: [xml] use cases and "success story":

On Fri, Apr 25, 2003 at 10:24:54AM -0400, Brad Clements wrote:
I'm working on a contract job that embeds Python 2.3, medusa, libxml2 and libxslt in 
uClinux on a 48mhz Motorola 5727 board (68020-like, 4 meg flash, 8 mag ram).

Eventually this device will be used as a KVM switch controller, power monitor and 
event manager.

8 Meg is just barely enough to run, if I don't cache stylesheets.

  XSLT in a KVM switch controller, well that's probably the last place
in the computer room where I would expect it :-)

Also, when I build without http, without ftp, without catalog (etc), the Python wrappers 
still generate wrapper code for the missing pieces. I have some patches for libxml2 
and libxslt/python stuff I haven't had a chance to submit yet.

   Hum, I see, this is missing from , but should be easy to fix
this sounds just like a bit of cut and paste to generate the #ifdef/#endif
as appropriate.

So .. in another 2 months I'll have a real success story to post, right now I'm still 
tweaking it.

   Okay, thanks for the feedback (and for the other people who sent mail
about this too),


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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