[xml] xmlNanoHTTPConnectAttempt troubles

hi people, 
I am trying to build some documentation that uses libxslt and libxml.
But the build takes a loooong time due to havingto wait for timeouts as
shown below. Anyone know what are causing these? I have a working
internet connection (no proxy-firewall) and I am able to get these
documents in my browser so they are available.

Any help appreciated.


fig2dev -Lpng thread.fig thread.png
rm -f *.html
rm -f -r gstreamer-manual
mkdir gstreamer-manual
cp magic-png magic
xsltproc ./../xsl/html.xsl gstreamer-manual.xml
xmlNanoHTTPConnectAttempt: Connect attempt timed
out.xmlNanoHTTPConnectAttempt: Connect attempt timed
out.xmlNanoHTTPConnectAttempt: Connect attempt timed out.warning: failed
to load external entity
compilation error: file
line 20 element include
xsl:include : unable to load
xmlNanoHTTPConnectAttempt: Connect attempt timed
out.xmlNanoHTTPConnectAttempt: Connect attempt timed
out.xmlNanoHTTPConnectAttempt: Connect attempt timed
out.xmlNanoHTTPConnectAttempt: Connect attempt timed
out.xmlNanoHTTPConnectAttempt: Connect attempt timed
out.xmlNanoHTTPConnectAttempt: Connect attempt timed
out.xmlNanoHTTPConnectAttempt: Connect attempt timed out.warning: failed
to load external entity
compilation error: file
line 54 element include
xsl:include : unable to load
xmlNanoHTTPConnectAttempt: Connect attempt timed
out.xmlNanoHTTPConnectAttempt: Connect attempt timed
out.xmlNanoHTTPConnectAttempt: Connect attempt timed out.warning: failed
to load external entity
xmlNanoHTTPConnectAttempt: Connect attempt timed
out.xmlNanoHTTPConnectAttempt: Connect attempt timed
out.xmlNanoHTTPConnectAttempt: Connect attempt timed
out.xmlNanoHTTPConnectAttempt: Connect attempt timed
out.xmlNanoHTTPConnectAttempt: Connect attempt timed
out.xmlNanoHTTPConnectAttempt: Connect attempt timed out.warning: failed
to load external entity
xmlNanoHTTPConnectAttempt: Connect attempt timed
out.xmlNanoHTTPConnectAttempt: Connect attempt timed out.warning: failed
to load external entity

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