Re: [xml] Anyone else having problems with Sun Workshop?

I found it.  It was solaris' BRAIN DEAD linker.

Basically, I'm doing a dlopen on the library, and mapping the internal
functions that I call to local function pointers.  But, for some reason,
the Solaris linker doesn't like me to use the same names for my pointers 
as the ones used in the library.

Live and learn.

libxml is working for me now.


On Tue, Jun 05, 2001 at 01:57:41PM -0500, David Frascone wrote:
On Tue, Jun 05, 2001 at 02:54:42PM -0400, Daniel Veillard wrote:
On Tue, Jun 05, 2001 at 01:49:00PM -0500, David Frascone wrote:
program terminated by signal SEGV (no mapping at the fault address)
Current function is startElement
 1067     ctxt->valid &= xmlValidateRoot(&ctxt->vctxt, ctxt->myDoc);
(/ws/on81-tools/SUNWspro/SC6.1/bin/../WS6U1/bin/sparcv9/dbx) where           
  [1] 0x22da0(0x35e8c, 0x349a0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0), at 0x22d9f
=>[2] startElement(ctx = 0x35e20, fullname = 0x22f78 "dictionary", atts = (nil)), line 1067 in "SAX.c"

  Nothing abnormal to me. If it crashes there, this would mean 
ctxt has been corrupted, no really I don't have a clue. Someone
will have to debug this.

Easy enough:

(/ws/on81-tools/SUNWspro/SC6.1/bin/../WS6U1/bin/sparcv9/dbx) print *ctx
*ctx = (void)
(/ws/on81-tools/SUNWspro/SC6.1/bin/../WS6U1/bin/sparcv9/dbx) print ctx 
ctx = 0x35e20
(/ws/on81-tools/SUNWspro/SC6.1/bin/../WS6U1/bin/sparcv9/dbx) frame 3 
Current function is xmlParseStartTag
 6141           ctxt->sax->startElement(ctxt->userData, name, atts);
(/ws/on81-tools/SUNWspro/SC6.1/bin/../WS6U1/bin/sparcv9/dbx) print *ctxt
*ctxt = {
    sax               = 0x35f38
    userData          = 0x35e20
    myDoc             = 0x349a0
    wellFormed        = 1
    replaceEntities   = 0
    version           = 0x35b40 "1.0"
    encoding          = (nil)
    standalone        = -1
    html              = 0
    input             = 0x36040
    inputNr           = 1
    inputMax          = 5
    inputTab          = 0x27538
    node              = 0x34ba0
    nodeNr            = 1
    nodeMax           = 10
    nodeTab           = 0x35fb0
    record_info       = 0
    node_seq          = {
        maximum = 0
        length  = 0
        buffer  = (nil)
    errNo             = 0
    hasExternalSubset = 1
    hasPErefs         = 0
    external          = 1
    valid             = 1
    validate          = -14480968
    vctxt             = {
        userData  = 0x35e20
        error     = 0xff13eb50 = &xmlParserValidityError()
        warning   = 0xff13ed00 = &xmlParserValidityWarning()
        node      = (nil)
        nodeNr    = 0
        nodeMax   = 0
        nodeTab   = (nil)
        finishDtd = 0
        doc       = 0x349a0
        valid     = 1
        vstate    = (nil)
        vstateNr  = 0
        vstateMax = 0
        vstateTab = (nil)
    instate           = XML_PARSER_CONTENT
    token             = 0
    directory         = 0x27578 "/home/dfrascon/work/xml"
    name              = (nil)
    nameNr            = 0
    nameMax           = 10
    nameTab           = 0x35fe0
    nbChars           = 540
    checkIndex        = 0
    keepBlanks        = 0
    disableSAX        = 0
    inSubset          = 0
    intSubName        = 0x22f00 "dictionary"
    extSubURI         = 0x349f8 "avp.dtd"
    extSubSystem      = (nil)
    space             = 0x36014
    spaceNr           = 2
    spaceMax          = 10
    spaceTab          = 0x36010
    depth             = 0
    entity            = 0x34be8
    charset           = 1
    nodelen           = 0
    nodemem           = -1
    pedantic          = 0
    _private          = (nil)
    loadsubset        = 0

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