[xml] xmllint with external DTD


i'm trying to test the validity of a XML document with the xmllint tool:

xmllint -validate ..\tstorxml\data\Test.xml

The following errormessage is generated:

..\tstorxml\data\Test.xml:3: error: failed to load external entity
..\tstorxml\data\Test.xml:4: validity error: Validation failed: no DTD found

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<!-- Comment -->
  Some content before child element
  <ORPC_Call id="c1">
      <RPCPriceReq someAttributes="will_placed_here"/>
  Some content beyond child element
  <foo bar="EMPTY_ELEMENT"/>

The DTD (Test.dtd) is present in the same directory as the parsed document
The document is valid against it's DTD (i've tested that with another tool),
so i don't provide the content of that DTD. Hope that's OK!?

So, what's wrong here? It's some kind of distressing, but i can't see the
Maybe someone can open my eyes?!

Many thanx in advance!

Mit freundlichen Gruessen - Kind regards
Markus Henke

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 ORDAT GmbH & Co. KG  -  Serversysteme/Neue Technologien 
 Dipl.-Inf. (FH) Markus Henke   Fon: +49 (641) 7941-0
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 35394 Gießen                   mailto:markus henke ordat com
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