Re: Sv: Window Manager configuration utilities

On Fri, 9 Jul 1999, Matthias Ettrich wrote:

> [snip]
> > - Why do I have two conflicting places to change the desktop background?

This has been addressed multiple times. We all understand that as is, this
is a "Bad Thing". What to do about it is under debate, but I think we ALL
agree that SOMETHING has to be done.

> > - Why do I change all my settings in the GCC, but if I want to change
> > focus policy I have to edit some wierd file, or run some other config
> > utility?    

If all WM settings were under the configuration section of the Control
Center (GCC may be the acronym, but let's please try to avoid it-- I keep
seeing GNU C Compiler when I see that), then it would be more seamless
than it is. Doesnt matter if it is the WM controlling the config tool or a
capplet written by the GNOME crew, as long as all the settings are in one

> > - If I want to change theme, I edit .gtkrc, or use GCC, but if I want to
> > change the title bar font, I use some other utility.  Why?
> > 

When you get into themes, people have to understand that there are WM
themes and UI themes. I could wish that GTK+ didnt have themes or KDE
didnt have themes, to make things more complicated than necessary, but
they exist, they serve a purpose, and if you don't like them, then you can
leave them alone or find ones you do like.

> > I'm sorry to keep ranting on about this, but I have seen so many people
> > unimpressed and confused by this that it really bugs me.
> While I totally agree, I can't resist mentioning that exactly this was one of
> the major points why the early gnome developers flamed KDE and started Gnome.

I think the QT licensing was a sore point, but the fact now is that both
KDE and GNOME are great steps forward, independantly, and that both have
their seperate niches under user preference. As long as they can
interoperate =)

> Until recently, "complete WM independence" (which reads: no integration at all),
> was one of the major selling points. I'm happy to see Gnome finally growing up
> in this issue, though I can imagine that you have a hard stand trying to
> convince your fellow developers that the KDE approach was actually right :-)    
> I still see a huge "market" for standalone windowmanagers with desktop
> functionality, though.

Especially when a lot of people have older machines that just won't keep
up running GNOME or KDE... like a Sparc 2, a 486, or a low-end Pentium.

Nathan P. Clemons                       "Peace favor your code."                 ICQ: 2810688
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