[Vala] Threads with return value... Isn't this a memory leak?

Consider this simple vala code, which uses some threads with return
value... Since int[] can't be a generics, I need to use an int pointer
for using an integer array as retourn value...
It works as expected, but... If you look at the generated C code, the
pointer returned by g_thread_join (t) is never free'd.

The same happens using strings, but not with more complex object (like
GLib.Array, for example)... Is this a bug?
Why is this happening?


int main(string[] args) {
        const int nthreads = 5;
        List<unowned Thread<int*>> threads = new List<unowned Thread<int*>>();

        for (int i = 0; i < nthreads; ++i) {
                try {
                        unowned Thread<int*> th = Thread.create<int*>(thread_run, true);
                } catch (ThreadError e) {}

        int thi = 0;
        foreach (var t in threads) {
                int *ret = t.join();
                print(@"[$(thi++)] $(ret[0]) - $(ret[1]) - $(ret[2])\n");

int* thread_run() {
        int a = (int) GLib.Random.next_int();
        int b = (int) GLib.Random.next_int();
        int c = (int) GLib.Random.next_int();
        return new int[] {a, b, c};

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