[Vala] TreeModel/Filter/Sort test case with GDate

I'm doing a timeline bar widget in vala (similar to the one used in F-Spot), to achieve that, I ned to get a data model and the field where the dates are stored.
(Using GDate).

I populate the model with several dates, and then I want to sort it by date, and then, I want to filter the sorted model so I can have a model with only one iter per year and then another filter that shows only the iters that belongs to one year with the year as an argument on the filter function.

The problem is that it seems I can't recover the GData objects from the models properly. (See print years)

I'm attaching the isolated test case (timestore.vala) and the ongoing widget (time-select.vala ). Ignore the ongoing widget if you want to take a look at the problem, I've attached it just for curious.
Un saludo,
Alberto Ruiz

Attachment: time-select.vala
Description: Binary data

Attachment: timestore.vala
Description: Binary data

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