Re: [Vala] Signal questions, Compilation problem


     Welcome to the vala development list.  Vala is very promising, but it's still incomplete, especially with respect to the language bindings.   I'm still discovering how to make bindings files because I'm trying to create bindings to parts of the C standard library that are not supported yet.  I would recommend you try your hand at adding the signals into the gtk-2.0.vala file in the vapi directory.  When you get them added, I'm sure Jurg wouldn't mind you sending him a patch file with the code you added, to assist him in developing the bindings.

     To boot strap the version out of subversion using 0.0.3 requires a few minor changes to the subversion code because of some changes Jurg made to the vala compiler code.  These changes will not be necessary when he releases the 0.0.4 code.

in valaintegerliteral.vala

Lines 75 and 78, cast the literal hex values to int64 as shown below, because the compiler complains about not being able to convert from a 32 bit to 64 bit.

                int64 n = number.to_int64 ();
75            if (!u && n > (int64) 0x7fffffff) {
                        // value doesn't fit into signed 32-bit
                        l = 2;
78              } else if (u && n > (int64) 0xffffffff) {
                        // value doesn't fit into unsigned 32-bit
                        l = 2;

Also, the compiler complains about _call being already defined in class InvocationExpression at line 572 of vala.vala

To get around this error, comment out line 572 of vala.vala.

It should now compile fine.

After installing the new compiler,  download a fresh copy from subversion, or reverse your changes made above, and recompile and install vala to make sure that the new bootstrap works.

This should be able to bootstrap any later versions from subversion, unless something else changes. 

Have fun with Vala.   I look forward to using your editor when you get it ported over.


On 9/10/06, Daniel Borgmann <daniel borgmann gmail com > wrote:

First let me tell you that I'm very excited about Vala and what it
potentially could mean for GNOME development. I was surprised that I
hadn't heard of it before, despite the project being very usable
already. Currently I am trying to port my C# application to Vala
(Scratchpad, a text editor) and have a few questions.

1) I couldn't find the "changed" signal for a GtkEntry and it seems
like all the signals from the Editable interface are missing, is that
right? Was that just an oversight or is there a problem with interface
signals? Also, is there no way to override a signal handler? At least
I couldn't find any signal handlers in the vapi files.

2) I get these errors trying to compile Vala from SVN:
valaintegerliteral.vala: 75.15-75.15: error: Relational operation:
Cannot convert from `int' to `int64'
valaintegerliteral.vala:78.21-78.21: error: Relational operation:
Cannot convert from `int' to `int64'

I get the feeling that this might be an odd case of bootstrapping
problem, where my installed version of Vala (0.3) isn't able to
compile its newer self. What would I be supposed to do in such a case?


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