Re: [Usability] User Experience Advocates

I wonder if it would be possible to get interaction designers involved
*before* the application has been written.

To cite Alan Cooper:

"Many people have the mistaken assumption that what interaction
designers do, and what needs to be done, is user-interface design.
Interface design is certainly part of what needs to be done, but it
holds only a secondary role in the process of design, much like
packaging does in retail sales. Interface design is what is done after
both the *purpose* and *behaviour* of the interactive product are
already established. But a bad product in beautiful and imaginative
wrappings is still a bad product.

When experts are called in to do interface design, they are summoned
only after the product is already substantially built. The opportunity
for significant design has passed, and the designer's efforts - no
matter how heroic - have relatively limited impact."

Food for thought.


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