Re: [Tracker] the story on NFS

Tracker uses GLib/GIO's GFileMonitor support to monitor files, which is
just a wrapper on top of several different monitoring systems, including
inotify, FAM, and others.

Ahh.  Cool.

For the specific case of NFS mounts, GLib/GIO will try to use FAM if
available (since GLib 2.35.7 [1]), as FAM works over NFS.

Overview of changes from GLib 2.35.4 to 2.35.6


* GFileMonitor will now automatically use fam instead of inotify
  if $HOME is on NFS

So it appears that GIO will only use FAM if $HOME is on NFS.  So what
happens if I add a non-$HOME NFS mount to the list of directories I ask
Tracker to index/monitor?

I truly have no idea, as I haven't checked this myself. If it tries to
use inotify, it won't get any event. Otherwise it might default to
polling for changes? As said, no idea :)

As for the using of FAM, IIRC/IIUC, it requires a famd running on the
NFS server.  Is that supposed to be running as the user account of the
same user running tracker or a single, root-running famd?  Sorry if this
is slightly off-topic but to bring it back on-topic, does tracker try to
start this remote famd in the case that's supposed to run as the account
of the user running tracker?

I guess I should go refresh my memory about FAM.

No, I don't think GLib/GIO would try to start the FAM daemon.


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