Re: [Tracker] thumbnails location

On 12/04/2008, mike <mhardy_mail yahoo com> wrote:
I just wanted to say I like tracker because it's small
and does a good job - thanks for it.

I have a request having to do with its thumbnails (I
like having them, don't use gnome/kde/xfce so don't
know what else would generate them so don't want to
turn it off in tracker).

The request is that:

a) tracker use an app-local thumbnails dir, such as
~/.cache/tracker/thumbnails, which I have seen other
apps keeping data local for themselves like this

AFAIK they can't do this: it breaks the thumbnail storage specification.


b) allow a ./configure option to specify where they
should go

That would still break the spec.


c) during routine indexing if tracker discovers
thumbnails that used to exist but are now gone it can
regenerate them?

Part of the reason for the request is because I see
that if I delete a thumbnail, tracker will no longer
display its associated hit in tracker search GUI.  IOW
if I delete everything in ~/.thumbnails and do a
tracker search, 0 results are returned.

IMHO tracker-search-tool should generate thumbnails.  That's what file-managers do, and in many ways t-s-t is like a file-manager. 

But far more importantly (because I want to keep all
of tracker's thumbnails), this is an issue because I
use other apps which dump crap in ~/.thumbnails
(gqview for example) meaning ~/.thumbnails ends up
with thousands (and tens of thousands) of files
totalling hundreds of megs.

This is a problem with the thumbnails specifications choice of the png format as the file-type for all thumbnails.  A 128x128 colour thumbnail in png format might be about 20kB; the same thumbnail in jpeg format would be about 10kB ... and that's using the unnecessarily high 100% quality jpeg.

I suppose in the end it comes down to relative amounts though: if you have enough images to give hundreds on megabytes of thumbnails ... then you must have a large hard drive and in proportion to all those images 200MB is quite small.

Because some of these thumbnails were generated once
then many months (or years) later never accessed
again, they're a HUGE waste of space; so I run a cron
job cleaning ~/.thumbnails out every couple of weeks
by +atime.

But now that tracker is mixing its in with these other
mostly useless thumbnails, I can't do that anymore.

Actually I think you can.  Looking at the thumbnail spec here:, there is sometimes a tag in the thumbnail saying who created it.

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