Re: [Tracker] admin and project expansion questions

On Wed, 2006-11-01 at 19:15 +0100, Ulrik Mikaelsson wrote:
        Should we look at something like trac? or just use the
        existing cvs and possibly use something like launchpad to do
        basic bug tracking?

Regarding launchpad, I've already registered Tracker as a project,
since I wanted the CVS-conversion service to get a bazaar branch to
work with instead. :)

Seems like its best to keep the dev. tree in one place...but launchpad
is cool because you can host elsewhere diff. infrastructure and it will
show up there...

If someone wants to take over as driver in order to extend this,
please just tell me. :) 

/ Ulrik

I think better to get this infrastructure stuff out of the way as fast
as possible to focus on hacking on tracker. I don't like this to seem
like a distraction, my call for this consolidation, but I would like to
help get this progressed and out of the way so developers can join on
easier and the code gets better fastter...and so we can avoid building a
bikeshed... ;)


Jon Phillips

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