Re: libthreepointzero

Hash: SHA1

Hi @all!
(We really need a ML soon!)

I have had a look at the tinymail code and IMHO some things should be
changed with the interators:

There should be more than one iterator:

Iterator: next(), equal(), is_valid()
IteratorBi: Iterator + previous()
IteratorRandom: IteratorBi + nth()

Of course the latter will be derived from Iterator, at least if this is
possible somehow using GInterface.

Usually iterators don't provide a function to get the list back. I think
we should skip this, it also makes including a real mess. Also, an
iterator could as well work on a tree or hash table so get_list() is not
really good.

Last but not least, any list should provide non-const and const iterators


Philip Van Hoof wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-10-13 at 11:00 +0200, Johannes Schmid wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Hi Phillip!
>>> Okay. If you need server infrastructure like Subversion, Trac and/or
>>> other things, just let me know. I own hardware at a good location that
>>> runs Xen virtualisation stuff. I also have VMWare if you need something
>>> special like Windows.
>>> If you need Asterix for setting up a VoIP service, just ask. IRC server,
>>> Jabber server, whateverserver ... I have it.
>> It would be cool if you would host the project. I just registered on
>> because I don't own a server where I could set up Subversion.
>> The requirements for now would be Subversion server and mailing list and
>> possibly IRC.
> I of course recommend using for example freenode or gimpnet for IRC, but
> I can indeed install a ircu. Might be a little bit overkill.
> Subversion and mailman is not a problem. I can also give you a virtual
> machine with root access and an IP address, which is probably the best
> option. But I will first have to check with my comrades whether or not I
> can have a free IP address then ;)
> I can also put the infrastructure on the same server where I've put
> and (they simply share their IP address, as I
> didn't want to manage yet another Debian instance).
> In which case it's simply going to be adding a Subversion repo and
> installing mailman.
> You could probably also ask the GNOME organisation for some
> infrastructure. It's usually not much of a problem for them to create a
> mailing list. But for platform neutrality that might me problematic.
> I didn't care but I already had one comment from a user who claimed that
> I make tinymail look to much like GNOME technology, because its mailing
> list is at the GNOME infrastructure :-(
>> I can of course also set this up on
> Yep. 
> If I have to setup something, I will probably do that this Sunday or
> tomorrow, Saturday. Let me know.
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