Re: [tasque-list] How do I get it to run?

On Sun, May 10, 2009 at 7:21 PM, HenryH <rtm harte net au> wrote:
> OK.  I know this sounds funny but I can't get Tasque to 'work'.
> I have Ubuntu 9.04 and I installed 1.8 through Synaptic.
> When I click on Tasque (under Office in the Applications menu) I get a
> Tasque window opening and (on the bottom left) it says "Not connected."
> and there is no other info or buttons etc... to try to get it
> connected.
> (I did try "tasque --help" but was not able to work-out if (or which)
> switch could help me.)
> How do I 'connect'?
> (I do recall that the first time I ran Tasque I did not complete the
> connection to RTM.)
> I did look for a help file or forum for help.  Do these exist
> somewhere?  This does not seem to be the type of thing that the FAQ
> covers.  Should I put this in the FAQ and/or bug report?

Right-click the Tasque icon in your panel's notification area, and
select Preferences.  From there, you can set up your backend
preferences, and finish your RTM configuration if that's what you want
to use.

Let us know if you need more help,

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