[Snowy] Snowy TO-DOs


I was planning on sending an email today and then Sandy in IRC mentioned
we're close to launching the alpha as well.

Looking at http://live.gnome.org/Snowy/TomboyOnlineRoadmap I'm looking
for some help in updating that page.

Are there any bugs that are outstanding that we need to fix (or are
feature enhancements) before the alpha launch?  Jeff has been working
hard to make sure users can't login and sync if they're not in the
alpha.  What else is outstanding?

I bring this up for two reasons:

1 - I've been pinged a few times by people asking to join the alpha
(especially after Stormy's recent blog post)

2 - If you saw Frederic Peters blog post today (Shell Yes!)[1] he's
doing a semi-regular blog post about what's going on in Shell.  I would
like to steal, er, borrow, this idea and do a fairly regular blog post
about what's going on in Snowy.  I like the marketing spin to it as well
as keeping users expectations in check.

So I need help with 2 things - First, updating the page above, and
secondly, semi-regular updates via email or IRC with things I should
include.  I would like to do a first issue in the next day or two
showing Jeff's work[2] as well as an update on the alpha.  Oh, and I
could use help with a witty name for the blog posts - the first ones
that jumped to my mind were "Walking the Dog" or "Taking Snowy for a
Walk".  Or a better TinTin reference is appreciated too.



[1] http://www.0d.be/2010/08/25/shell-yes-1/
[2] http://bugzilla-attachments.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=168608

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