Re: [Snowy] Guide for using Snowy with Apache and mod_python

On Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 8:13 AM, Benoit Garret
<benoit garret_gnome gadz org> wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 4:11 PM, Sandy Armstrong
> <sanfordarmstrong gmail com> wrote:
>> Hey folks,
>> I've updated Piotr Gaczkowski's guide to deploying Snowy on Apache/mod_python:
>> Again, these fixes are mostly from jmullan in IRC, so thanks again.
>> I've only tested these instructions with localhost access, so if you
>> try it out and notice any gotchas, feel free to update the page or
>> ping me.
> Because:
> * I tried to follow Sandy's guide for mod_python and miserably failed.

At what point did you fail?  I found out in IRC the other day that
there are some issues with django-piston and mod_python, so
authenticating to the server with Tomboy would likely break until we
figure out the problem.  Is that where you had problems, or earlier?

> * The Django doc recommends mod_wsgi over mod_python.
> * Choice is good.
> I've created a guide for setting up Snowy with apache/mod_wsgi at:
> I'm using Ubuntu Server 8.04 on a dedicated server, so I may be able
> to offer help if you're using this platform but not so much if you're
> using anything else.

Awesome, thanks Benoit!  One question: where does the snowy.wsgi file
go after you create it?


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