Re: [BLOCKER] for release of 1.7.0

Christopher Roy Bratusek <zanghar freenet de> writes:
> there's one blocker for the release of 1.7.0:
> Presentations in Impress don't show up.

I'm not having any problems, with debian package 1:3.2.1-5.  When I hit
F5 I see a black screen with a white square taking up most of it, and
sawfish bindings don't work.  If I click I see a "Click to exit
presentation..." message, and another click goes back to the normal
window, etc.

Interestingly, if I go to a vt and run sawfish-client:

(mapcar window-name (managed-windows))

Doesn't show a presentation window, just the editor.

Jeremy Hankins <nowan nowan org>

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