New grouping in matcher

Hi. I'm going to regroup matcher items as below. In general, each item
is put under self descriptive group name.
* State is removed.
* Size, maximize, iconified are under "appearance".
* maximize-{fullscree,xinerama} are combined into maximize. (This
  is anyway necessary, and what makes me raise this issue.)
* auto-gravity is under placement. Not sure, but it is rarely used, 
  I guess.
* window-name -> set-window-name
* Related items lie close to each other.

`((placement ,(_ "Placement")
     (ignore-program-position boolean)
     (place-mode ,(lambda () `(choice ,@placement-modes)))
     (position (or
                (pair (number -65536 65536 0)
                      (number -65536 65536 0))
                (choice center east north north-east
                        north-west south south-east
                        south-west west)))
     (workspace (number 1))
	(new-workspace boolean)
     (new-viewport boolean)
     (viewport (pair (number 1) (number 1)))
     (depth (number -16 16 0))
     (placement-weight (number 0))
     (fixed-position boolean)
     (sticky boolean)
     (sticky-viewport boolean)
     (auto-gravity boolean)
  (focus ,(_ "Focus")
      (raise-on-focus boolean)
      (focus-when-mapped boolean)
      (never-focus boolean)
      (focus-click-through boolean)
      (focus-mode ,(lambda () `(choice ,@focus-modes))))
  (appearance ,(_ "Appearance")
      (frame-type ,(lambda ()
                     `(choice ,@(mapcar car match-window-types))))
      (frame-style ,(lambda ()
                      `(symbol ,@(find-all-frame-styles t))))
      (dimensions (pair (number 1) (number 1)))
      (maximized (choice all vertical horizontal
		    fullscreen full-xinerama))
      (iconified boolean)
      (shaded boolean)
      (never-iconify boolean)
      (never-maximize boolean)
  (other ,(_ "Other")
    (avoid boolean)
    (ignored boolean)
    (group ,(lambda ()
              `(symbol ,@(delete-if-not symbolp (window-group-ids)))))
    (ungrouped boolean)
    (cycle-skip boolean)
    (window-list-skip boolean)
    (task-list-skip boolean)
    (unique-name boolean)
    (set-window-name string)
    (shade-hover boolean)
    (transients-above (choice all parents none))
    (ignore-stacking-requests boolean)

It may be better to create workspace & viewport, but its tabs takes
too big space.

Of course, sawfish-config needs many improvements, including new
widgets like radio-buttons and choice list (pulldown) with
descrpitions, but it's for 1.6, so let's focus on grouping now.

Any comments? Regards,
Teika (Teika kazura)

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