Re: Please vote on version numbers! your votes...

janek_listy wp pl (2007-07-02 at 1802.07 +0200):

Personaly I do not have any fixed idea about versions (this is "talk
is easy"), what I see as important is getting SVN and/or SVN+basic
fixes soon. I am no fan of version pumping either as you can see from
my votes (keeping with 1.x and only going to 3.0 for something really
important), what matters is what the app does, the number is just for
identification and order.

> #1 : current SVN

1.3.1: I have been looking at the changelog and confirmed what I
remembered, there have been some .1 (and even .2) versions, mostly
when changes were just bug fixes and translations. So releasing soon a
version that says "this project still moves, but no big changes" fits,

> #2 : with patches

1.5: Jump over 1.4 as that is what mmc version seems to have used.
Continue later as needed: 1.9, 1.10, 1.11 ... 1.99, 1.100, 1.101
... cleaning and adding things like tabs, etc.

> #3 : with something new inside

1.6 and so on (1.x). for new things, fixes, etc. Basically changes
that are not core level (and thus risking stability).

#4: some serious big changes

3.0: Jump over 2.0, again to eliminate any confusion. This one should
have some serious changes to justify it (all/many of the new X11
extensions or OpenGL support for compositing or architectural changes,


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