Re: Media Export problem

On Fr, 2012-05-04 at 23:40 +0200, Michael Lathion wrote:

> On foobar I see the device in servers list but I can't open it and in

I'll have a look at foobar. No idea what should be causing this.

>  8player if i try to open the rygel server i get this error :
> Upnp error xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:control-1-0" error code: 709,
> error description : upnp artist is invalid or unsupported.

8player doesn't properly check the sort capabilities and Rygel is using
the wrong property there (dc:artist). I fixed this on master and it will
be in the next 0.14 release. The commit in question is 

Does it really say "upnp artist" or "upnp:artist"? If it's the first,
it's an additionsl bug in 8player. The commit in question is

To fix that locally, I'd recommend doing an apt-get source rygel and
change dc:artist and dc:author to upnp:artist and upnp:author in
src/rygel/rygel-media-object.c and rebuild the package.

> Before media export was working well on both software, what can cause
> this issue and what could I try to resolve it ?
> Also now there is no icon for rygel renderer/server as in version 0.6,
> is there some setting to restore it because some devices keep
> searching for one ?

That's a packaging bug. Andreas knows about this and hopefully remembers
to fix it...

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