Re: GUPNP MediaRenderer

However, the hardware it is supposed to run in does not have alsa or pulseaudio. It actually uses a specific housemade Gstreamer sinsimilar to shmsink to send the audio stream to an application that deals with it.
So the question would be : how to specify a Gstreamer sink ?

2012/7/26 John Frankish <j-frankish slb com>
> From: rygel-list-bounces gnome org [mailto:rygel-list-bounces gnome org] On Behalf Of Hamza Chouh
> Sent: Thursday, 26 July, 2012 14:35
> To: rygel-list gnome org
> Subject: GUPNP MediaRenderer
> Hello all,
> I'm trying to use Rygel as a MediaRenderer on a specific hardware. I want it to be controlled from any UPnP control point
> and to play audio files to a Gstreamer sink which is specific to this hardware. I was thinking about using plugins like Gst-launch
> or Playbin, but I don't understand how to configure on these two to stream to my Gstreamer sink.
> Do you know how I could do that ?

If you use gupnp-av-cp from gupnp-tools and you have the appropriate gst-plugins-good/bad/ugly installed, it should
"just work" using the default setup and alsa/pulseaudio.


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