Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Rhythmbox review posted on Softpedia!

On 3/21/07, Softpedia Editorial Team <linuxeditor softpedia com> wrote:
An in-depth review of your product "Rhythmbox" has been published at the following address:

The review states, "The Truth: Rhythmbox is a very good audio player
with useful features; unfortunately, there are a few players that
offer the same functionality as Rhythmbox, an then some, so it's hard
to choose Rhythmbox as your default player, unless you like a more
simple player or you're on a slow PC."

A) Why are choices unfortunate?
B) How many players are there that really offer the same
functionality? The only ones that I know that come close are Banshee
(which is not nearly as mature as RB) and Amarok (which fits a
completely different design goal). (I'm not being vitriolic here...
seriously, I'd like to know what *my* choices are. :) It almost seems
like the reviewer is talking about players on any desktop
C) It's actually quite easy to choose Rhythmbox as one's default application. ;)


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