Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Feedback on album cover support

On Wed, 2007-02-14 at 09:28 -0500, William Jon McCann wrote:


Nice. I think it's an improvement. Think image should go to right of
text and above scrollbar, not left of text and beside scroll bar. That
way the scroll bar maintains maximum length for maximum accuracy. The
image would need to be small, but as you said we need some way to get an
enlarged preview by mouse-over or clicking it anyway.

Definitely better than having it in the sidepane. This would improve our
listening post project too, as we could display album art without
displaying the sidepane. Right now if we want album art we have to show
the sources list, which does nothing for us but add another pane to the
interface. If we disable the sources list the sidepane and album art
disappear. So this patch would be much better.

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