Re: introspection for 2.32

Le jeudi 09 septembre 2010, à 13:22 -0400, Colin Walters a écrit :
> Hi,
> I wanted to be sure you guys had seen:
> I just had a conversation with seb128 from Ubuntu.  Basically they
> want to ship g-i 0.9.3, but in git master I've moved on and been
> updating modules to use 0.9.5, with the understanding that for 2.32,
> dependency uptake on introspection is low, so:
> * It can be a "preview" state (and I'll do a 0.9.5 release for that), or
> * it can be dropped for 2.32 (which means we lose a few gnome-games I believe)

Is it just a matter of rebuilding the packages that have introspection
support? Or will they break in weird ways because of that change?

If it's just rebuilding, then it's fine. If it'll break everything, it's
a bit more complex. I'm not sure I understand the choice you're
proposing: is it 0.9.5 vs nothing? Why not 0.9.5 vs 0.9.3?



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