Re: GNOME 3.0 Hackfest + 1 day conference (in Asia)

Am Dienstag, den 14.12.2010, 16:34 +0100 schrieb Frederic Peters:
> Just like Jason for the marketing team I believe that meeting before
> the release date is the best; I am of the opinion that three days is
> very short, but I understand it may not be easy to go away for longer
> periods...
> Anyway I was discussing a little bit with Frederic Muller and I
> wondered if it was possible to add a kind of pre-event (well, not even
> an "event", just a few desks and internet) for those who could afford
> it, to avoid long flights putting many of us offline just a few days
> before the release.
> Fellow r-t members, any opinion on this?

Totally agreeing with all that you've written.

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