GDM decision making.


Beta1 tarballs due is on monday and we should decide very soon which gdm
version to use in GNOME 2.24 finally, also with regard to the required
string translations, see (hmm, no
manual listed for trunk, but maybe that's not a fault but a fact,

For myself I started to find out what distros do...
      * Fedora will ship new gdm of course.
      * Foresight uses the new gdm in their devel branch and it "works
        pretty well"
      * Gentoo does not know yet which gdm will be used in their
        gnome-base/gnome-2.24.0 meta package and haven't tested it much
      * Mandriva - ? fcrozat might be around here...
      * openSuse release is in December, hence not a topic for them.
      * Ubuntu does not know yet, but tends to ship the old one it
(Misunderstandings due to bad phone quality included, don't sue me ;-).

I'm quite undecided, for me it currently boils down to the theoretical
question "If Red Hat had an RHEL release in a few weeks, would they use
the new gdm for it or not?" If yes, I'd take it for GNOME 2.24 too.

No flames included (at least not intentionally).

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