Re: Issues with library version numbers

<quote who="Brian Cameron">

> In reviewing interface stability, I have been looking at the differences
> between the interfaces exposed in the various GNOME libraries.  I notice
> that there are a few libraries which have not changed version number since
> GNOME 2.0, but have also had modifications to their exposed interfaces.

Brian, the release team can't do anything about this issue at this point in
the release cycle. You are best off mailing gnome-hackers about it, and
suggesting specific changes maintainers can make (and documenting them) and
making sure it happens in the 2.13 process.

The point of this email could have been communicated in about 10 lines, btw.

- Jeff

GNOME Summit: October 8th-10th    
    "Jane Austen is the Don Burke of romantic comedy." - Andrew Bennetts

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