Re: [java-gnome-hackers] Version of libgtk-java in GNOME Bindings 2.12

On 8/25/05, Andrew Cowie <andrew operationaldynamics com> wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-25-08 at 15:14 +0200, Vincent Untz wrote:
> > I was not sure which version of
> > libgtk-java was to be used for the release: 2.6.2 or 2.7.0.
> The boys have been working hard to keep up with GTK and Cairo, and so
> there will be a libgtk-java 2.8.0 . Considerable performance
> improvements as well.
> lib{gnome,glade,conf}-java will be bumped to 2.12.0
> Incidentally, we'll be pushing a 2.6.3 out the door one of these days as
> there are heaps of bug fixes that have been back ported to the stable
> branch.
> > I went with 2.6.2 since 2.7.0 is recent (and
> > might be considered as a huge API break
> No, that's not correct.
> [Well, not any more than gtk+ 2.8 is :)]

I think Vincent meant "API freeze break", not "API break".


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