Re: Who wants to do the 2.12 RC release?

On 8/18/05, Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com> wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-08-18 at 14:13 -0600, Elijah Newren wrote:
> > Also, everything other than (g) can be tried by someone any
> > day any time without messing anything up.
> And you could check the versions file into cvs along the way. I know I
> mentioned putting that in releng, but maybe we should just add it to
> jhbuild.

Well, the versions file requires some manual user editing (pkg-config
is in meta-bootstrap instead of meta-gnome-desktop, perl and java
bindings aren't yet included), and it's probably good to manually
check the file against the previous version to make sure things look
sane (it might be bad to put too much faith in my script...).  But I
think it is a good step to take, so I'll add it to the MakingARelease
wiki page.

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