pygobject bug spring cleaning

Hello fellow pygobject hackers,

Just yesterday I again closed a pygobject bug which was obsolete, as
it only applied to the old codegen stuff.

In the past weeks I made some progress with reducing the pygobject
patch review queue (i. e. bugs with patches which are not needs-work,
committed, or rejected) from ~ 40 to currently 8, and I'll get it down
to 6 again soon. FYI, that search is public in bugzilla, you'll see it
as "pygobject patches" on your "saved searches" page [1].

However, pygobject still has 165 open bugs at the time:

What do you think about doing some spring cleaning there to make the
bug list useful again? If five people participate, and everyone
triages just 5 bugs every day, we can get through all the bugs in
less than 7 days.

For every bug we should check the following:

(1) Does it not apply to the current release any more? (,
    already fixed, etc.) 

(2) Is it not well described, and/or does not have reproduction steps? 
    →  ask for more info and set it to NEEDINFO.

(3) Are you not sure whether it still applies, but neither whether it
    is obsolete?
    → set to UNCONFIRMED, to make them stand out; if approriate, ask
      the reporter if it is still relevant and → NEEDINFO
(4) The remainder should be good bugs which are ready to be worked on
    → set to NEW

(5) Check if the bug has an appropriate severity, and adjust

It would certainly help me and the other maintainers to be able to
focus on bug fixing again and make bugzilla a more useful tool again.
We still need to work out how we avoid that multiple people look at
the same bugs all over again. I propose that we use an etherpad with a
list of all bugs, and everyone just "claims" 5 bugs every day and
moves them from the "unclaimed" to the "name" section.

I prepared a pad:

Who is in? Don't miss your chance to win eternal fame, glory,
... and maybe make your own pet bug stand out more :)



Martin Pitt                        |
Ubuntu Developer (  | Debian Developer  (

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