Re: Gtk performance issues from a user's point of view

On Mon, 2006-10-02 at 15:17 -0500, Federico Mena Quintero wrote:
> On Sun, 2006-10-01 at 20:25 +0300, Tero Huttunen wrote:
> > > What evidence do you have that GTK+ probably isn't drawing through
> > > Render?
> > 
> > I thought it wouldn't do solid fills through Render. However, I did a
> > new hack, by modifying R200SubsequentCPUtoScreenTexture to return
> > immediately. Result:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Clearly Qt can accelerate some of the Render-operations, since some of
> > the text is missing, however, Gtk doesn't seem to accelerate anything.
> > What other functions should I test?
> This is very interesting!
> Keep in mind that GTK+ draws everything to a Pixmap to avoid flicker,
> and then paints the pixmap to the final Window.  I wonder if your hack
> contemplates this.

Since those hooks were apparently placed in the driver's acceleration
routines (and eventually all of them), yes, it applies to pixmaps too.

> That said, I don't know how pixmaps work when they fall outside of video
> memory.  Does the X server just draw to them "by hand", to normal RAM?

X's handling of pixmaps varies depending on your acceleration

XAA has a big rectangular chunk of offscreen memory where it sticks
pixmaps.  When you create a pixmap, it gets stuck in, and if somebody is
bumped out, they lose forever.  I couldn't find any mechanism for
somebody to get back onto the card after they got the boot.

EXA has a bigger (well, except for #7524), linear chunk of offscreen
memory where it sticks pixmaps.  In the scheme we appear to be settling
on, any time you could accelerate an operation, your pixmaps are stuck
onto the card so you can accelerate.  But the default at the moment
(since exa-damagetrack hasn't been merged yet) is that your pixmap is
sometimes put back into card memory if it's currently in system, based
on some guessing.

For either AA, if your pixmap is in system memory for the operation
because the AA decided that's how it should be, then yes, you're stuck
rendering using the CPU[1].  That's actually not so terrible.  Worse is
when you're rendering with the CPU to/from something that's on the card,
because your driver doesn't support the operation (as is the case with
XAA for pretty much all Render stuff except for text).  Framebuffer read
speed is pretty bad across the board, and Render usage tends to result
in lots of reads of the destination.

> [ObFlame: if @#$% Mozilla would not fill VRAM with pr0n, then GTK+'s
> pixmaps may fit in VRAM...]

Yeah, AFAIK they still haven't fixed their pixmap cache limiting.

[1] There is interesting potential here for page table tricks using AGP,
so that even though it's not on the card, you could still address it
from the card when needed.  We haven't done any experimentation with
this yet, but hopefully soon.

Eric Anholt                             anholt FreeBSD org
eric anholt net                         eric anholt intel com

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