Re: Development Workflow

Hi Barrett,

On Sat, Feb 26, 2022 at 1:05 PM Barrett Strausser
<bstrausser locusrobotics com> wrote:

Hello All,

I am newly using OSTree, I'm able to create repos/make commits etc. However, I'm looking for input or 
advice on best developer workflows after committing to a repo. Obviously, I can introduce hardware into the 
loop but I'm looking for something more software oriented that could eventually be used in CI without 
relying on bare-metal.

I recognize this is not purely an OSTree concern, but I figured the group would have good insights. At the 
moment I'm trying to use some combination of qemu/libguestfs to create a test bed, but I'm wondering what 
else folks are using. I am trying to work through the contents of to see what I can figure out as well.

For Fedora CoreOS and RHCOS at least, we indeed make heavy use of
qemu. Might be worth looking at the CI for the ostree repo,
specifically the `continuous-integration/jenkins/pr-merge` test. It
wraps, which is a tool that
uses qemu for building and testing ostree-based OS images.
coreos-assembler is very opinionated of course, so might not be usable
as is to you. But if you're using OSTree for the OS, the main idea is
likely still applicable (pkgs/binaries -> OSTree commit -> OS images
-> QEMU tests).

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