Re: atomic updates with ostree on Beaglebone boards

Hi John,

Fedora IoT is an ostree based distribution and supports ARMv7, it is
available and will run on a beaglebone


On Wed, May 5, 2021 at 12:31 PM John Allwine <john pocketnc com> wrote:

Hi all,

I'm looking into adapting the Beaglebone image-builder scripts 
( to offer an option to build with ostree support for full 
system atomic updates. I'm sure there are many challenges involved with this, but I'd like to better 
understand the boot process. The standard Beaglebone images leverage the /boot/uEnv.txt file to read in 
various device tree overlays at boot. Does anyone have any insights into what would be necessary to adapt 
the process to use ostree?

The ostree documentation ( mentions calculating the checksum 
of  the vmlinuz, initramfs and device tree files and appending that checksum to each file name. What is the 
purpose of doing that? Is there a way to make that work with device tree overlays? Is there a different 
method? I'm just starting to scratch the surface of what is necessary to make this work, so any insights 
are welcome!


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