Re: Libproxy support?

On Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 05:50:56PM +0000, Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:
On Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 5:51 AM Paul van Tilburg via ostree-list <
ostree-list gnome org> wrote:
David Woodhouse has been working on proxy support for some years as parts of a
smooth proxy experience inside of Intel. (David no longer works at Intel)  He
might be a good person to speak with in regards to this.  Last year, we had a
GSOC student working on I think something similar.

You can look here:

For the description of work.  The work assumes that you are using
NetworkManager and Pacrunner.  It seems at odds on what you're describing.

I would bet that it would be his inclination that you look at pacrunner.  I
have included him in the thread in case he wants to chime in.  

Pacrunner code is here:

The integration of libproxy in all our applications stems from the years
2012-2014 and it worked sufficiently well.  It is probably a good idea to
look again at the current state of art, given that we also might move to
a less static network configuration setup.

A question that remains, though, is why OSTree that uses libsoup (as all
our applications do), seems to bypass the libproxy proxy resolver.
If this would somehow be found and fixed, it could provided a bridge to
a better implementation using PacRunner suggested by Colin later in this

    If libproxy were to work, we're left with two questions:
    * where to indicate that proxying is enabled (without setting an URL)?

Maybe, if libsoup via the libproxy proxy resolver works properly, setting
the "proxy" config key in the remote config is not necessary.

    * where to leave the authentication credentials?

Here one would probably need something like:


which would override the optional user/password in the proxy url:

proxy=http://bar:baz proxy domain tld/

    Also, where to indicate that the authentication type is not basic, but

proxy_auth_type=ntlm ?

Kind regards,


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