systemd landed

I've pushed commits to poky and gnome-ostree to do the systemd switch:

Works here in a local build and qemu, I'll have the
builder work on it overnight.

While this isn't perfect, I think I'd rather get things mostly working
in a new state rather than try to change everything at once. 

Incidentally, OSTree is great for doing UsrMove - you don't download
changed files, stuff just gets hardlinked in a different place, there's
no evil hacks to move files around, and it's all fully atomic to
upgrade!  Win.

As far as the system state, note that for the moment you will need to
log in as root and start gdm manually:

systemctl start gdm

Also, the terrible "ginitscripts" hack which asked you to make a user is
gone now too.  You have to log in as root and run:

useradd foo
passwd foo

Where "foo" should typically be the same username/uid as from your host

One other thing I should highlight: "ostadmin" is now "ostree admin".

As far as what doesn't work - I need to work on ensuring that /var is
initialized with empty directories (e.g. /var/log/gdm).  Previously this
lived in ginitscripts, so if you have an old deployment it will boot,
but fresh ones won't.


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