Re: [orca-list] Key echo vs cursor over

Do you mean that when you press shift+b it says "capital bee"? When I press the key sequence shift+b, leftArrow, orca says "Bee! capital bee". I do think it is an espeak-ng problem. I am guessing you're not using espeak-ng.
I should look for an espeak-ng developer's list.

On 10/29/21 4:03 AM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
I cannot reproduce this. In both cases, I hear "capital" followed by
the letter. Note that Orca is not saying "capital"; it's sending the
letter to speech-dispatcher to speak.


On Thu, 2021-10-28 at 16:51 -0500, John G. Heim via orca-list wrote:
When I type a capital letter, orca echos the keystroke with a higher
pitch. But if I cursor over the letter I just typed, it says,
and then the letter name. Why does it do that and can I fix it?

John G. Heim, 608-263-4189, jheim math wisc edu

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