Re: [orca-list] Possible Braille improvements

Jason White via orca-list, le ven. 29 mai 2020 11:18:26 -0400, a ecrit:
I think I fixed the braille cursor handling. Joanie merged my changes into master. If you aren't running a 
recent Orca from the Git master branch, upgrading and testing would be a good idea.

Moving the caret via the braille display isn't possible yet. However, my understanding is that work may be 
done to enable the braille device to simulate keystrokes to support braille input. This may include cursor 
keys as well as page-up/page-down.


"xbrlapi -q"

will indeed simulate the presses from the braille device into the X
session. This is normally automatically done by brltty through a script
in /etc/X11/Xsession.d


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