[orca-list] Braille has the edge in Linux

It may not matter as much these days as GUI access in Linux is improving all the time but my view is that Braille support has the edge over speech in Linux and I think in DOS and maybe Windows and MAC OS, speech has the edge which is supprising considering Braille displays are out of the price range for those Blind people who either have to get them funded through access to work or charities or save for them if the country they live in doesn't penalise them for saving for one. What I mean is if you use Braille output and you change consoles, you continue to get Braille because Orca seems to recognise Braille when you change consoles but if you use speech and change consoles to do a specific task that either requires the command line, you lose speech completely unless you run a terminal from the run dialogue on the desktop, you have the technical skills to be able to get Speakup or Fenrir working if your distro supports installing them or you get round the problem by running Slint which is configured to be able to switch between GUI and text terminals without losing speech. I am by o means a Linux newby these days but I have never managed to switch terminals without losing speech in most of the distris I gave run apart from when I have used Slint. I do have a Braille display which I paid for on a payment plan.

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