Re: [orca-list] (General Linux) Ubuntu server accessibility

This is, as far as I know, a physical server.
Devin Prater
r d t prater gmail com


On Jul 24, 2020, at 6:38 PM, Norman King <lists thekingstech com> wrote:


Is this a virtual or physical server?

If virtual, there are cloud images for most linux distros. Ubuntu's cloud images are at the following link.

Once the system is installed, just use ssh, you don't even need speech.


On 7/24/2020 2:24 PM, Devin Prater via orca-list wrote:
Hi all. I will have the opportunity at work to set up an Ubuntu server at some point. I’ll use Docker and 
such, but I can do that part. My only issue is installing Ubuntu server onto the server. Is there anything 
I need to know, or can I just SSH and go like normal, or should I use the server itself and use Orca? Or 
does it even come with Orca?
Devin Prater
r d t prater gmail com


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