[orca-list] bug: Reading text in entry fields on some entry pages does not work

Hello all,

I am using orca 3.31.1 with  latest stable firefox wich comes with Ubuntu (64.0).

Steps to reproduce.

go to https://gitlab.com/ choose your project of choice.

for example mine is https://gitlab.com/gnukhata/gkcore which is a public repository.

Now go to issues.

Create a new issue.

Enter the title and description of the issue.  The description should have more than one line.

Now use tab or shift + tab to go to any of title or description field.

Once in focus mode, try using up or down arrow keys to read the text, orca does not read any thing.

It will appeare that the entry field has nothing in it but using left and right arrow would move you one charactor at a time.

CTRL + left or right arrow would rightly move a word at a time.

But up and down arrow failes to read it.

Happy hacking.


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