Re: [orca-list] Could it be possible to reduce chattiness when opening the desktop ?

Hi Alex.

In master, I have eliminated "layered pane". I have also eliminated
saying "icon" when we have a description, so Orca won't say "foo plain
text document icon"; it will just say "foo plain text document."

Regarding the "frame," that is a bit trickier because we have to be able
to distinguish the desktop frame from other frames. The only way I can
think of to do that, since the name is localized, is look at the window
size. But it is possible to make certain windows occupy the full screen,
so additional heuristics would be needed. Which seems like a lot of work
to do for every last window simply because some users don't want to hear
one extra word. So for now, I'm not going to "fix" that "problem." What
I've done instead is started a thread to see if everyone wants Orca to
stop saying "frame" for windows. And if everyone never wants to hear
"frame" ever, problem solved.

In the meantime, I hope the reduction in chattiness will help all your
users conclude that MATE and Linux are not complicated.


On 05/16/2018 10:10 AM, Alex ARNAUD wrote:
Hello all,

- Debian Sid
- Orca master
- Mate 1.20.1 (it's the same with olders releases, even if with GTK2)

Steps to reproduce:
1) Open an application
2) Go to the desktop with ctrl+alt+d

Result: Orca announces "desktop frame icon view layered pane"

Result on Windows with NVDA: "desktop list"

My proposal: Orca could announce "desktop" because the desktop implies
to be in icon view without the "layered pane" information that is
technically correct but I don't think it is useful to have it.

The reason why I ask you that is because all our users ask us why the
announce is so complicated to indicate we're on the desktop? This
behavior let them think Mate and Linux is complicated.

Best regards.

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