Re: [orca-list] youtube-viewer login question

I think I could do dual factor authentication but sms is the least secure means of using that. Fortunately the phone option is available.

On Tue, 27 Feb 2018, Janina Sajka wrote:

Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2018 09:01:10
From: Janina Sajka <janina rednote net>
To: Jude DaShiell <jdashiel panix com>
Cc: orca-list gnome org
Subject: Re: [orca-list] youtube-viewer login question

OK, I think I understand now.

I have two suggestions ...

1.)     Whenever I find myself unsure of tightly focussing what I want
in my clipboard, I simply select all, then copy into gedit.

        I'vefound gedit needs to be already running, or it seems unable
        to accept a paste.

                From there I can examine and edit as needed, then return
                only the content I want to the clipboard at which point
                I go t to the application that needs the input and

                        I've even edited in a console session sometimes,
                        using xclip to paste back into the clipboard.

                        2.)     All of this may be unnecessary if you
                        enable Google two-factor authentication. I've
                        been using this for well over a year, maybe even
                        over two years now, and I'm quite pleased with
                        the service.

                                I have my authentication setup to give
                                me a voice call, when Google's algos
                                believe they need to authenticate me.
                                The automated voice reads out a 6 digit
                                code I type into the edit box--that the
                                browser has already focussed. Works like
                                a charm.

                                        Alternatively, you can have sms
                                        text sent to your smart phone.

                                                Or, the latest method, A
                                                popup toast message on
                                                your phone asks whether
                                                that's you logging in,
                                                and you simply tap the
                                                button to say "yes."
                                                Also works very well for

                                                I've found dual factor
                                                rarely asks for
                                                authentication when
                                                requests come in from my
                                                same ip address.

                                                I strongly recommend
                                                dual factor as it makes
                                                things both more secure
                                                and less cumbersome. I
                                                hope it's an option for
                                                your situation.


Jude DaShiell writes:
I must not be explaining myself clearly.  Once inside of youtube-viewer and
you have to be inside of youtube-viewer to login to youtube so already
subscribed channels are shown to you you run the :login command.
 You are given a unique url that's different each time generated and that
url takes you to a google authorization code page.  You log in on the google
authorization page and you authorize youtube-viewer to do things with your
youtube account.  Once done you get a google authorization code that you
need to copy and then leave the google authorization page and you need to
paste that code into the youtube-viewer code box and then finish the process
on youtube-viewer. You use that code on youtube-viewer until inside
youtube-viewer you run the :logout command which removes the code from
youtube-viewer.  Thanks for the login password url, I'll have a read through
this since I expect it will be helpful with other applications.

On Tue, 27 Feb 2018, Janina Sajka wrote:

Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2018 08:21:21
From: Janina Sajka <janina rednote net>
To: Jude DaShiell <jdashiel panix com>
Cc: orca-list gnome org
Subject: Re: [orca-list] youtube-viewer login question


I can't quite figure out what you're asking. But, if you're wanting to
pass login and password from the command line, there's a standard http
syntax for that. Perhaps this might meet your needs? It works like this:



https://janina:password youtube com/blah/blah



Jude DaShiell writes:
Is it possible using only a keyboard to run youtube-viewer and run the
:login command inside youtube-viewer and then successfully complete the
login with say firefox or chromium or google-chrome-stable?
You get an url that needs to be opened with a browser and best quote it
otherwise the shell  will freak out before having a browser open it.
Probably best to background youtube-viewer and once firefox has url opened,
you're going to be asked for google login credentials then you get asked if
youtube-viewer can be allowed to do things on your account.  Once allow is
selected, a 45 character code is shown which needs to be copied into a
clipboard then the browser can be closed and youtube-viewer foregrounded
again then paste that 45 character code into the code box on youtube-viewer
and I suppose hit the login button.  Youtube-viewer then gets a token back
from google and until you run the :logout command you are using that token
and have youtube-viewer logged in.
I am not using a mouse over here (fine motor deficit) so would like to know
if anyone else did all of this with a keyboard yet and if not, how can it be


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