[orca-list] 64bit skype installer for Arch, Manjaro, and their relatives

A few months ago I was asked to script the installation of skype and especially the extra 32bit lib required 
to get it to work with orca on Arch-Linux 
and the distros derived from it, e.g. Manjaro, F123 and Sonar.
If anyone wants to use this script I uploaded a tarball to mywebsite.
The direct download link is 
For the record the other script tarball download links on the fluxability downloads page are not working at 
the moment. The website is stil under 
construction and I was just testing the download links. They work, so I left them up, but the other packages 
were not ready for public consumption. Now 
they are close, maybe ready, so I'll check things out, and upload the other packages as soon as I have them 
ready to go, hopefullly today or tomorrow. 
The skype installer can be run with or without skype itself installed, and can be rerun perodically to check 
for updates to qt-at-spi. 
For sure rerun it if you had skkype talking and then it breaks, i.e. if the 64bit qt-at-spi package gets 
updated during a general system update. 
Of course let me know if you have any trouble. 
There's aREADME in the tarball where I have more detailed instructions, but basically just download, untar, 
cd in to the inst64bitskype directory 
created, and run the script
In its current form the script should be run from its directory, i.e. it will not work correctly if you were 
to run it from outside the inst64bitskype  
folder, although assuming you have an internet connection and the arch package servers are working it should 
get skype talking for you if run from 
somewhere else.
I'll try and package things up soon for the AUR so that it can be installed and run as needed to update qt 
accessiblity stuff.

   Registerd Linux User 521886

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