[orca-list] the cinnamon desktop

hi all
I've written in about this desktop before, so I'll save the sales pitch.
I'm going to try to improve it's accessibility so I can add a cinnamon
edition of sonar, and also so this can be another desktop we can use.
What steps should I take? Should I send debug logs to this list, and
when I've gotten the events I need from them, file bugs against cinnamon
for accessibility? Joanie says she's busy with mozilla at the moment, so
I'll need to know how to process debug logs to get the info orca needs.
What needs to happen in order for orca to read something? Example:
cinnamon's alt tab switcher simply says "pannel" and nothing reads. Is
it missing focus events, selection changed events? I can find cinnamon
bug report URLs on my own, so no one needs to look them up for me. What
I would like is an irc channel where I can talk in person. The only one
I've found in linux mint's official channel, and there don't seem to be
too many cinnamon devs in there. Cinnamon also doesn't seem to use the
standard accessibility shortcuts, alt+super+s, or control+s, so that
needs fixing. Orca might need some script mapping but I'm not sure. Now
to continue that debug log analyzing for joanie ... wow there are a lot
of events.
Kendell clark

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