Re: [orca-list] Changing speech synth

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There is a bug in orca. It will  work just fine with varients, but
there are so many extra voices added by the varients that the voice
list is thousands of entries long. There needs to be a varients combo
box added for just varients, then performance will pick up by quite a
bit. If you want to turn on espeak varients, just open up
/etc/speech-dispatcher/modules/espeak.conf in your text editor, and
look for espeak varients. Change the 0 to a 1, save and close, and
restart speech-dispatcher. The best way to do that is to kill
speech-dispatcher with killall speech-dispatcher in a terminal or in
the run dialog, press alt f2. It will automatically respawn and orca
should speak. Once you do that, pick your varient in the list you want
to use. I should say here that the varients from nvda, if you've ever
used it, aren't included in espeak yet. I'm trying to get johnathon
duddington, the developer, to add at least some of the popular ones to
espeak itself, but for now you do have a few varients to choose from
Kendell clark

MENGUAL Jean-Philippe wrote:

Le 02/08/2015 23:59, kendell clark a écrit : hi If you're running
the latest speech-dispatcher, which is version 0.8.3, you can
actually use varients with orca now, finally. It's disabled by
default though because when you enable it it actually just adds a
lot mroe voices to the voice list in orca. So many that orca has a
serious lag issue when trying to navigate the list. If you want to
turn them on, edit /etc/speech-dispatcher/modules/espeak.conf.
It's in there, under espeak varients.

Sorry I don't understand. You're saying that I can get the synth 
displayed, but it will be slow to make them scroll, due to a bug.
But how can I turn on the setting which is off by default? Then,
in espeak.conf, what should I do to have the synth (or have it
in Orca)? In espeak.conf, I don't have variants. In
espeak-mbrola-generic, I have AddVoice, etc.

Thanks for your explanations.

I use speech-dispatcher 0.8-7 from Debian.

This is supposed to only be temporarily until speech-dispatcher
gets a varients api which all speech modules are supposed to take
advantage of, which will enable for example the different ibmtts
voices. Who knows when that will

Yes. Hope it will also help for switching automatically between 
different languages, or at least on-the-fly.


happen though Thanks Kendell clark

MENGUAL Jean-Philippe wrote:

I'm trying to use mbrola with Orca. In speech-dispatcher, I
added espeak-mbrola-generic, module I set by default. I
installed fr1, fr4, en1 voices. But actually, I cannot change
voice. I just have fr1.

Same thing with Espeak where orca doesn't enable to access
to variants (which are numerous on Espeak).

Same with Voxin when you've several installed languages.

How do you do, you? For instance, to use several languages
with Mbrola? In Orca? In speech-dispatcher?


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